When it comes to intermediate music theory studies, it can be more difficult to find direct applications of the time signatures in repertoire. Yes, these intermediate time signatures will come up, but not as often as the beginning time signatures.
This is why I thought it would be a good idea to put together a game to practice the intermediate time signatures. Because intermediate music students should be having fun too – not just stuck in a theory book the whole time.
How to Play
- Divide the deck in half between the two players.
- The players should sit side by side, facing the same direction.
- On the count of three, each player turns over a card from their pile (forming two stacks).
- If a card has a time signature error, a player can put their hand on top of that pile (either their own or the other player’s) and say SNAPPEROO!
- This player wins that pile of cards.
- The winner is the player with the most cards in their deck when the time is up.
- To assemble this game:
- Print out the game cards (pages 3–6).
- Print the optional backing if desired (page 7).
- Cut the cards apart along the dotted lines.
- Laminate if desired.
Download Time Signature Snapperoo!
I hope you have fun with this game – I know it’s been a hit in my studio so far. 🙂

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Intermediate Time Signatures Flipped Learning Video
In these videos, I teach students about intermediate time signatures, using examples and explaining in simple language that students can understand.
Feel free to send these videos to parents for their kids to watch, use it in group lessons or as part of lab time.
USA Version
International Version
These videos are designed to be clear and concise so that students can watch them – and then get on with some writing work for reinforcement. Saving you time to do fun activities during the lesson time.
These videos correlate directly to Thinking Theory Book Three page 15. View the full Thinking Theory series here and see what makes these workbooks so special.
More Flipped Thinking Theory
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- Flipped Basic Note Values
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- Flipped Note Stem Rules
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- Flipped D & F Major Scales
- Flipped Note Grouping/Beaming
- Flipped Expression Marks
Do you play games with intermediate students?
Do you wish you had more games for intermediate concepts? Share your thoughts in the Vibrant Music Studio Teachers community on Facebook or in the comments below.