These scale reward stickers are part of my new, integrated challenges system, and compliment the scale level challenges I posted recently.
These scale reward stickers will be awarded to students as they complete a scale level, and will go on the front of their practice/theory folders for all to see.
I got my stickers printed at but I’m sure you can print them at home, or at your favourite printers. Click here to download the scale stickers pdf.
Stay tuned! Soon I’ll be adding two new sets of challenges; chord challenges and transposing challenges. Also check out the Scale Level Charts post, as I’ve added an extra level recently, the Scale Master!
How do you reward good scale practice?
What motivates your students to practice their scales? Do you struggle with this area of piano teaching?
Thanks for this!!!
No problem Kelly! 🙂
Oh my, I just saw these! My students are now diehard fans of the scale & pentascale challenges. These stickers will put them over the moon. Thank you so much.
Also- despite having no graphic design skills, I have tried to create a version of the scale visuals for my violin students!
Awesome Amy! How did it go? Glad you like the stickers! I’ll be posting my some more challenges soon, so stay tuned for that!
I’ll email you what I’ve done with the violin so far. The “pentascale” level equivalents are Tetrachords instead, and we do keys based on hand position. I have a picture to pass on of my studio wall where the students are inching up towards Scale & Chord MAsters.
Oh awesome! I’d love to see how you’ve adapted the challenges for violin! 🙂
These all are wonderful, Nicola! Thank you so much for all your hard work. When I try to download the scale stickers, it just shows 1 sheet with the stickers all in a vertical line. Suggestions?
Also – what do you do you specifically for the transposing challenge?
Hi Susan. Because everyone is printing on different paper or sending to different print companies, I have provided a pdf where each sticker is on a separate page. This way each person can organise it for their printing situation.
The transposing challenge I do based on my own technique exercises (not yet shared on the blog) but you could also use Dozen a Day or a similar finger warmup book.
I’m trying to print these through but when I upload the file it says I need to separate the pages. how do I do that? or is there a way you can send me the stickers with each page as a different file?
Which file are you sending them? You should be uploading the ones that are single stickers, one at a time.
just the scale stickers. it was a file I downloaded from where you talk about the challenge board. it does download as a PDF and all the stickers are on separate pages. when I try to upload I to MOO it seems its reading it as one file with all the stickers on one page.
So Moo wants them as separate pdfs so you would have to upload one page at a time. Are you a member of Vibrant Music Teaching Krista? The files there for the stickers are separated out ready to upload.